Royal Commission Of Inquiry Into Abuse : Update letter

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020
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Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse – Aug 2020 Update

Friday, August 14th, 2020

Our Worship Music

Saturday, April 18th, 2020

Here is a playlist shared with you by our Music Team Leader, Jamie Houston. This is what he is listening to every day, and you are encouraged to as well.

From Jamie Houston

Online Messages From Our Leaders

Thursday, March 26th, 2020

Watch All Our Online Messages on our YouTube Channel HERE

Watch All Our Online Messages on our YouTube Channel HERE

Watch All Our Online Messages on our YouTube Channel HERE

SpiritSong Concert

Friday, March 6th, 2020

Come and enjoy our national choir at Wellington South Corps, 8:30pm on Saturday 14 March.

SpiritSong choir concert march 14 2020

Our Easter Services

Friday, March 6th, 2020

As we are closed for the duraton of the COVID-19 Lockdown we invite you to attend the ONLINE SERVICE that will be LiveStreamed.

To watch on Easter Sunday at 10am please click here:

In the Steps of St Paul and St John

Monday, November 4th, 2019

Biblical Tour to Greece and Turkey, September 2020

For personal perspectives on the content and nature of the tour, you are encouraged to talk to one of the many officers who have been privileged to make this life-changing pilgrimage.

What? Explore the ancient cities of Corinth, Athens, Thessalonica, Philippi, Ephesus and many more. Read the Scriptures ‘on location’ visiting the Churches of the Revelation and the sacred island of Patmos.
Gain first-hand insight into the Gallipoli Campaign as you walk the battlefields and gravesites of this place of great significance for all New Zealanders.

Why? This tour is offered in response to requests by Salvationists to be able to experience the inspirational study tour undertaken by Officers since 2008.

Who? Available to Salvationists wishing to deepen their spiritual life through knowledge and experience of these dynamic Christian sites. A minimum of 24 participants is necessary to make the tour viable.
It is designed for those wishing to share in a focused spiritual pilgrimage; who can meet the travel and payment timetable; who have good mobility; and who can get FULL travel insurance.

The tour is to be led by Majors Garth & Suzanne Stevenson who were delegates on the first officer tour and have contributed significantly to the development and leadership of subsequent tours. Garth and Suzanne have traveled extensively in this region, developing their own knowledge and experience of a wide range of New Testament sites.
The tour is also supported by professional registered guides in Greece and Turkey.

When? Beginning in Athens on 2 September 2020 and concluding in Athens on 15 September.

How much? Final pricing is not yet available and will be subject to exchange rate fluctuations. It is expected, however, that the cost will be less than $4500 per person share twin.

Other costs? The following items are NOT included in the above price: return airfares/travel to Athens; transfer in Athens; travel insurance; lunches and some dinners; tips for guides/drivers (expected in the region); visas for non-NZ passport holders; drinks/water.

The territory invites you to consider participating in a 14 day guided devotional tour, to significant sites of the Acts of the Apostles, Churches of the Revelation, and ANZAC Cove, Gallipoli.

To register an Expression of Interest, and/or for more detailed information, please contact: [email protected]

Light Party – Thursday Oct 31

Monday, October 28th, 2019

Come and join us for a fun-filled night with the kids! This is our alternative to halloween, so no scary costumes please. Gold coin donation for entry.

For ages 3 – 13. See you there!

See the Event on Facebook here

Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse Update

Monday, October 28th, 2019

You can download this letter here

Commissioning (& Farewell) 6 Dec 2019

Monday, October 28th, 2019

Please see the details in the poster below for all the details of the New Zealand Commissioning of Cadets. You will note that this will also feature the retirement and farewell service of territorial leaders Commissioners Andy and Yvonne Westrupp.
General Brian Peddle and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle will be in New Zealand for these meetings.